Waypoint Montessori is recognized by the Association Montessori International of the United States (AMI/USA), and is one of only three AMI recognized schools in Tarrant County. Each of our lead guides has completed the rigorous AMI teacher training program necessary to implement Maria Montessori’s vision and principles of childhood development.
The association was founded by Dr. Maria Montessori to safeguard and further her ideas and principles. In accordance with recognition policy, the school is reviewed by an AMI consultant on a regular basis.
To learn more about Association Montessori Internationale, please visit www.montessori-ami.org
Waypoint Montessori is accredited by the Texas Alliance of Accredited Private Schools (TAAPS) for students 3 years through 6th grade. TAAPS upholds strict standards for accreditation ensuring exemplary school organization and governance and clear guidelines for the administration, the faculty, the facilities, school finances, student objectives, and overall academic programs.
To learn more about the Texas Alliance of Accredited Private Schools (TAAPS), please visit www.taaps.org
Waypoint Montessori is a proud member of the Texas Private Schools Association. The Texas Private Schools Association is a state-wide organization representing more than 800 private accredited schools with headquarters in Austin, Texas.
To learn more about the Texas Private Schools Association, please visit texasprivateschools.org.
Waypoint Montessori
Waypoint Montessori
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